The Effects of Economic Globalization in IndiaSeventy-three years ago, India gained its independence from the British Order. India’s rise to power has led to much speculation on the…Jan 28, 2021Jan 28, 2021
Why Affirmative Action Should be Based on Wealth and not RaceThe issues of affirmative action have been intensely debated around the world for nearly two decades now. Numerous people, especially…Dec 5, 2019Dec 5, 2019
Hobbes’ Leviathan and how it Pertains to Our Current AdministrationThomas Hobbes’ Leviathanis an in-depth look at what an ideal society would look like. It covers how society should be arranged, how…Feb 11, 2019Feb 11, 2019
The Consequences of Social MediaIn an increasingly connected world, we must face a difficult question: do we censor our social media platforms from hate speech? And what…Feb 8, 2019Feb 8, 2019
Why I’m feeling the Bern, but won’t vote for himBetween all the primaries and caucuses, Americans are forgetting the purpose is to elect a president.Mar 5, 20164Mar 5, 20164